creating opportunities for student writing
and promoting the intellectual exchange of ideas

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Several Cries Over Winter in Carlsbad, New Mexico (Third Place - Poetry)

by Tyler Lacy

John Gamble in his cell over his bed of coal.
He never believed in Santa Claus
or that murder was wrong. 

Only crows
are plucked off limbs these days. 
I reach out--
a pecan orchard.
Not to the limbs
of the trees, but to the shaking
hands of poor families,
empty buckets. 

seagulls in the desert
parking lot at the Pecos River
and in winter? 

Patty Sue and Mattie
because they still miss their families
and we still haven't found a cure. 
They roll over in their tight graves
and open their mouths.
The snow will melt with John's coming down. 

Me because they're too young. 

Mom in the kitchen
trying to cook supper
but really only
but really only
but real lonely
with a Folger's can after all that snow
gone catching melted tears.

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